-- Use your browser's "Find" to look for keywords below --
- Aggregation
- Overview of ensemble learning (boosting, blending, before and after the fact)
- Bayesian Learning
- Validity of the Bayesian approach (prior, posterior, unknown versus probabilistic)
- Bias-Variance Tradeoff
- Basic derivation (overfit and underfit, approximation-generalization tradeoff)
- Example (sinusoidal target function)
- Noisy case (Bias-variance-noise decomposition)
- Bin Model
- Hoeffding Inequality (law of large numbers, sample, PAC)
- Relation to learning (from bin to hypothesis, training data)
- Multiple bins (finite hypothesis set, learning: search for green sample)
- Union Bound (uniform inequality, M factor)
- Data Snooping
- Definition and analysis (data contamination, model selection)
- Error Measures
- User-specified error function (pointwise error, CIA, supermarket)
- Gradient Descent
- Basic method (Batch GD) (first-order optimization)
- Discussion (initialization, termination, local minima, second-order methods)
- Stochastic Gradient Descent (the algorithm, SGD in action)
- Initialization - Neural Networks (random weights, perfect symmetry)
- Learning Curves
- Definition and illustration (complex models versus simple models)
- Linear Regression example (learning curves for noisy linear target)
- Learning Diagram
- Components of learning (target function, hypothesis set, learning algorithm)
- Input probability distribution (unknown distribution, bin, Hoeffding)
- Error measure (role in learning algorithm)
- Noisy targets (target distribution)
- Where the VC analysis fits (affected blocks in learning diagram)
- Learning Paradigms
- Types of learning (supervised, reinforcement, unsupervised, clustering)
- Other paradigms (review, active learning, online learning)
- Linear Classification
- The Perceptron (linearly separable data, PLA)
- Pocket algorithm (non-separable data, comparison with PLA)
- Linear Regression
- The algorithm (real-valued function, mean-squared error, pseudo-inverse)
- Generalization behavior (learning curves for linear regression)
- Logistic Regression
- The model (soft threshold, sigmoid, probability estimation)
- Cross entropy error (maximum likelihood)
- The algorithm (gradient descent)
- Netflix Competition
- Movie rating (singular value decomposition, essence of machine learning)
- Applying SGD (stochastic gradient descent, SVD factors)
- Neural Networks
- Biological inspiration (limits of inspiration)
- Multilayer perceptrons (the model and its power and limitations)
- Neural Network model (feedforward layers, soft threshold)
- Backpropagation algorithm (SGD, delta rule)
- Hidden layers (interpretation)
- Regularization (weight decay, weight elimination, early stopping)
- Nonlinear Transformation
- Basic method (linearity in the parameters, Z space)
- Illustration (non-separable data, quadratic transform)
- Generalization behavior (VC dimension of a nonlinear transform)
- Occam's Razor
- Definition and analysis (definition of complexity, why simpler is better)
- Overfitting
- The phenomenon (fitting the noise)
- A detailed experiment (Legendre polynomials, types of noise)
- Deterministic noise (target complexity, stochastic noise)
- Radial Basis Functions
- Basic RBF model (exact interpolation, nearest neighbor)
- K Centers (Lloyd's algorithm, unsupervised learning, pseudo-inverse)
- RBF network (neural networks, local versus global, EM algorithm)
- Relation to other techniques (SVM kernel, regularization)
- Regularization
- Introduction (putting the brakes, function approximation)
- Formal derivation (Legendre polynomials, soft-order constraint, augmented error)
- Weight decay (Tikhonov, smoothness, neural networks)
- Augmented error (proxy for out-of-sample error, choosing a regularizer)
- Regularization parameter (deterministic noise, stochastic noise)
- Sampling Bias
- Definition and analysis (Truman versus Dewey, matching the distributions)
- Support Vector Machines
- SVM basic model (hard margin, constrained optimization)
- The solution (KKT conditions, Lagrange, dual problem, quadratic programming)
- Soft margin (non-separable data, slack variables)
- Nonlinear transform (Z space, support vector pre-images)
- Kernel methods (generalized inner product, Mercer's condition, RBF kernel)
- Validation
- Introduction (validation versus regularization, optimistic bias)
- Model selection (data contamination, validation set versus test set)
- Cross Validation (leave-one-out, 10-fold cross validation)
- VC Dimension
- Growth function (dichotomies, Hoeffding Inequality)
- Examples (growth function for simple hypothesis sets)
- Break points (polynomial growth functions)
- Bounding the growth function (mathematical induction, polynomial bound)
- Definition of VC Dimension (shattering, distribution-free, Vapnik-Chervonenkis)
- VC Dimension of Perceptrons (number of parameters, lower and upper bounds)
- Interpreting the VC Dimension (degrees of freedom, Number of examples)
- The 18 lectures are about 60 minutes each plus Q&A. The content of each lecture is color coded:
theory; mathematical
technique; practical
analysis; conceptualPlace the mouse on a lecture title for a short description - Lecture 1: The Learning Problem
- Lecture 2: Is Learning Feasible?
- Lecture 3: The Linear Model I
- Lecture 4: Error and Noise
- Lecture 5: Training versus Testing
- Lecture 6: Theory of Generalization
- Lecture 7: The VC Dimension
- Lecture 8: Bias-Variance Tradeoff
- Lecture 9: The Linear Model II
- Lecture 10: Neural Networks
- Lecture 11: Overfitting
- Lecture 12: Regularization
- Lecture 13: Validation
- Lecture 14: Support Vector Machines
- Lecture 15: Kernel Methods
- Lecture 16: Radial Basis Functions
- Lecture 17: Three Learning Principles
- Lecture 18: Epilogue
You can also look for a particular topic within the lectures in the Machine Learning Video Library. Place the mouse on a lecture title for a short description - Lecture 1 (The Learning Problem)
Lecture (some audio drops, sorry!) - Q&A - Slides - Lecture 2 (Is Learning Feasible?)
Review - Lecture - Q&A - Slides - Lecture 3 (The Linear Model I)
Review - Lecture - Q&A - Slides - Lecture 4 (Error and Noise)
Review - Lecture - Q&A - Slides - Lecture 5 (Training versus Testing)
Review - Lecture - Q&A - Slides - Lecture 6 (Theory of Generalization)
Review - Lecture - Q&A - Slides - Lecture 7 (The VC Dimension)
Review - Lecture - Q&A - Slides - Lecture 8 (Bias-Variance Tradeoff)
Review - Lecture - Q&A - Slides - Lecture 9 (The Linear Model II)
Review - Lecture - Q&A - Slides - Lecture 10 (Neural Networks)
Review - Lecture - Q&A - Slides - Lecture 11 (Overfitting)
Review - Lecture - Q&A - Slides - Lecture 12 (Regularization)
Review - Lecture - Q&A - Slides - Lecture 13 (Validation)
Review - Lecture - Q&A - Slides - Lecture 14 (Support Vector Machines)
Review - Lecture - Q&A - Slides - Lecture 15 (Kernel Methods)
Review - Lecture - Q&A - Slides - Lecture 16 (Radial Basis Functions)
Review - Lecture - Q&A - Slides - Lecture 17 (Three Learning Principles)
Review - Lecture - Q&A - Slides - Lecture 18 (Epilogue)
Review - Lecture - Acknowledgment - Slides TEXTBOOK
The recommended textbook covers 14 out of the 18 lectures. The rest is covered by online material that is freely available to the book readers.Here is the book's table of contents, and here is the notation used in the course and the book.
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