Thursday, March 7, 2013

Hadoop training outline

Day  1
·         Full day
·         General training for all audience (developers, management, architects)
Day 2
·         Full day
·         Designed for analysts/architects who have attended the Hadoop Overview course; Familiarity with SQL or a scripting language is required
Day 3
·         Full day
·         Designed for analysts/architects who have attended the Hadoop Overview course; Familiarity with SQL or a scripting language is required
Day 4
·         Full day
·         Designed for developers who want to learn to use MapReduce/Hadoop

Day 5
·         Full day
·         designed for developers with Hadoop programming experience with Map Reduce; Familiarity with object oriented programming, Java, web applications and distributed computing is assumed
Hadoop Fundamentals

·         Hadoop Architecture
·         Building Blocks
·         HDFS
·         MapReduce
·         Hadoop Ecosystem Security


Sqoop, Flume, Oozie, HCatalog

Hive Introduction
·         Why Hive?
·         Compare vs SQL
·         Use Cases

Hive Architecture – Building Blocks
Hive CLI and Language (Exercise)
·         HDFS Shell
·         Hive CLI
·         Data Types
·         Hive Cheat sheet
·         Data Definition Statements
·         Data Manipulation Statements
·         Select, Views, GroupBy, SortBy/DistributeBy/ClusterBy/OrderBy, Joins
·         Builtin Functions
·         Union, Sub Queries, Sampling, Explain

Hive Usecase implementation (Exercise)
·         Use Case 1
·         Use Case 2

Best Practices
Advanced Features
·         Transform and MapReduce Scripts
·         Custom UDF
·         UDTF
·         SerDe
Recap and Q&A
Pig Introduction
·         Position Pig in Hadoop ecosystem
·         Why Pig and not MapReduce
·         Simple example (slides) comparing Pig and MapReduce
·         Who is using Pig now and what are the main use cases
Pig Architecture
·         Discuss high level components of Pig
Pig Grunt How to start and use
Pig Latin Programming
·         Data Types
·         Cheat sheet
·         Schema
·         Expressions
·         Commands and Exercise
·         Load, Store, Dump, Relational Operations, Foreach, Filter, Group, Order By,
·         Distinct, Join, Cogroup,  Union, Cross, Limit, Sample, Parallel
Use Cases (working exercise)
·         Use Case 1
·         Use Case 3 (compare pig and hive)

Advanced Features, UDFs
Best Practices and common pitfalls
Recap and Q&A

MapReduce Programming
·         Fundamentals
·         Anatomy of MapReduce Job Run
·         Job Scheduling
·         Sample Code Walk Through
·         Hadoop API Walk Through
·         Exercise
MapReduce Formats
·         Input Formats,Exercise
·         Output Formats, Exercise
MapReduce Features
·         Counters, Exercise
·         Map Side Join, Exercise
·         Reduce Side Join, Exercise
·         Sorting,Exercise
MapReduce Algorithms
·         Walkthrough of 2-3 Algorithms
MapReduce Performance Tuning
MapReduce Testing & Debugging
Recap and Q&A

HBase Introduction
HBase architecture
·         Building Components
·         Storage, B+ tree, Log Structured Merge Trees
·         Region Lifecycle
·         Read/Write Path
HBase schema design
·         Introduction to hbase schema
·         Column Family, Rows, Cells, Cell timestamp
·         Deletes
·         Exercise –build a schema, load data, query data
HBase Java API Exercises
·         Connection
·         CRUD API
·         Scan API
·         Filters
·         Counters
·         Hbase MapReduce
·         Hbase Bulk load
Hbase Operations, cluster management
Performance Tuning
Advanced Features
Recap and Q&A


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